Black Oaks by Mary Oliver

Okay, not one can write a symphony, or a dictionary,

or even a letter to an old friend, full of remembrance
and comfort. 

Not one can manage a single sound though the blue jays
carp and whistle all day in the branches, without
the push of the wind. 

But to tell the truth after a while I'm pale with longing
for their thick bodies ruckled with lichen

and you can't keep me from the woods, from the tonnage

of their shoulders, and their shining green hair.

Today is a day like any other: twenty-four hours, a 
little sunshine, a little rain. 

Listen, says ambition, nervously shifting her weight from
one boot to another -- why don't you get going?

For there I am, in the mossy shadows, under the trees.

And to tell the truth I don't want to let go of the wrists
of idleness, I don't want to sell my life for money,

I don't even want to come in out of the rain.

Yu Xuan Cui
Poetry Assignment

Black Oaks by Mary Oliver

In the first stanza of “Black Oaks,” the speaker makes you look down at trees for what they cannot do. “not one can write a symphony, or even a letter to an old friend, full of a dictionary, or remembrance and comfort.” To humans these are activities that give off emotions and intelligence. If we keep reading, the speaker actually enjoys surrounding herself with trees (nature). “Today’s like any other;” meaning that’s the environment she lives for and enjoys, not the fast paced city life.

There is a shift in the sixth stanza when the speaker mentions “ambition.” Ambition is a feeling you get when you want to achieve something. “Listen, says ambition, nervously shifting her weight from one boot to another,” there is a feeling of impatient. Writing poems and earning money is what “ambition” is telling her to do, but what she really want to do is relax and enjoy what life is giving her.

With this in mind, the speaker has an impact on how humans view life. Most of the time humans are working every day to earn money. They become slaves in a sense and do not have the freedom to relax and enjoy life. But the speaker takes you back to those peaceful places by describing the locations and giving you a perspective of how she lives.

Bringing your attention back to the poem, in the last two stanzas she describes her location and her view on ambition. The speaker is currently underneath the trees, in a dark and mossy area. Most humans would not enjoy this environment because they’re too used to clean places/home. The inner self tells her to leave this peaceful life and get back to work. She uses personification to give trees human like abilities. In her last stanza, “And to tell the truth I don’t want to let go of the wrists of idleness, I don’t want to sell my life for money, I don’t even want to come in out of the rain,” shows how strongly passionate she is living with nature.

The mood in this poem is peaceful and it’s about appreciating what you have in front of you. It also makes you rethink about your ambitions. Also the speaker talks about how nature is slow paced and she gives you example of places we normally do not feel comfortable in, but to her it’s normal.

In conclusion, the speaker makes you think about the life you’re living in at the moment. It makes humans realize that we always have ambitions, and even though you achieve something there will always be another goal in the back of your head. This poem brings an idea of taking breaks and enjoying what you have in front of you, and only you can make this decision.


I have never really taken the time to read a poem carefully and get to uncover the deeper means a poet has to give. During this assignment I was really confused and also had a feeling that my interpretation was wrong. But after reading the poem over and over, I finally got the meanings behind it. It’s an incredible feeling that a poet can talk about things using simple terms. That give off a greater impact because of how you interpreted it. I felt that this assignment was hard but in the end it makes me want to show and not tell more.

This poem reminds me of a family’s love for one another. Sometimes your amibitions tell you to do things that aren’t good for you. But in the end your parents are always there for you even if you fail.

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